This post is an introduction to a larger series known as the LED Mini Education Series. The series is designed to provide key LED knowledge needed to better manage an investment in LED lighting for your commercial building. The goals for this program are to better equip anyone responsible for a major LED lighting purchase in the following areas:
- Understanding the value of LED as it relates to your business
- Analyzing LED lighting proposals received
- Identifying capable LED lighting partners
- Setting project goals specific to your business
Each installment will be brief and is designed to take no longer than 5 – 10 minutes to read. Below are the topics covered.
- Series Introduction
- How LED Lighting Saves Energy
- How LED Provides Other Benefits
- Estimating LED Energy Savings
- Determining Your Electric Rate
- Estimating Maintenance Savings
- Calculating the Financial Return of LED Lighting
- Utility Rebate Dynamics
- LED Project Considerations
- Conclusion
Even though you may already have some knowledge on certain topics in this course, we encourage you to review each installment as certain details may be new and could be highly impactful to your project. Enlighten does not recommend using the knowledge gained in this Mini Series to attempt managing a major LED lighting project on your own but recommends using it to identify a knowledgeable, experienced partner who can not only simply supply LED technology but educate on appropriate solutions for your business as well.
We hope you enjoy the series and feel it improves the outcome of your LED project. Feel free to share with a friend or colleague.
Enlighten is lighting consultant, designer, and wholesaler for commercial and industrial spaces.